Life With the Boys!

Life With the Boys!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve... The True Meaning of Christmas

I know the pictures are not in order, I messed up!

This year we tried something new. I got the idea from Ammon's nursery leaders (Thank you, Brother and Sister Williams we love you!). When I picked Ammon up from nursery on Sunday the class was all dressed up and they acted out the Nativity Scene, they were all so cute and sweet I just wanted to cry. So we acted out the Nativity and the kids loved it. I think I will try to stick with this tradition is was so much fun and I think the kids learn more from doing. Jeff was Joseph, I was Mary, Nate was baby Jesus and Carter, Carson, Ammon were the three Wise Men. I hope that we can have a little more reverence and spirit next year... With 4 boys (I mean 5, including Jeff) I think we did great!


Megan and Jon said...

What a great idea. I love that you have enough for a whole nativity. Your boys are all so adorable.

It was so fun to be able to see you guys for a few mintues. I love your hair dark I think it looks great.

Jessica said...

so cute! We did a puppet show of it instead. It worked quite well. I knew that our two little ones are too small to orchestrate this kind of production still. I hope you get things worked out this week! Last night was fun, we should do it again soon.

winston and jillyn egan said...

That is such a cute idea. I would of liked to see that with all those cute boys! Let's do a movie soon!

Drizzle said...

What fun! We do the nativity play at my parents house every year. This year was definitely not reverent, but what can you expect with little kids? They learn from it anyway.

Lauri said...

Brings back special memories from when my girls were little, sigh! Such cute pictures.