No really, I am having a hard time. Seriously!!! So we got home from church and after dinner I was cleaning up. Then Ammon comes out of the office and I thought, "great, what was he doing in there?" I said "What were you doing in the office?" Ammon says "Nothing, I was in the office." I just let him go, not noticing his pretty fingers and toes. Then I smelled something. Hmmmm smells like fingernail polish. Sure enough I opened the door and found red fingernail polish on the carpet.... UGHHHH! AMMON!!! He had painted his fingers and toes, not to mention his legs and arms and carpet. I am so.... ***!# We have got most of it out of the carpet for now. Fingernail polish remover, water, hairspray and rubbing alcohol. Jeff was soooooo maddddddd.... "NO more painting your nails and toes Ammon that is for GIRLS!" He says to me, "See what you have done, he thinks its ok, NO MORE!!!!" I have been known to paint Ammon's toes. He loves it and when I am doing mine he wants his done. I make them cool boy colors and neat things on them like spiders and such, but I guess no more.
We also had to buy a new vacuum this weekend! Dang it. I am tired of everything breaking. Oh and my washing machine is not draining all the way. Jeff says he can probably fix it. I hope! Enough is enough...
I am sorry Wendy. It seems like there are times that when it rains, but really it just pours and pours. I am glad you get to get out on Wednesday for a little while. I know I need the break, but more than that, I need the distraction right now.
Call me, for anything! (Did you get the polish out of the carpet? If not I know a guy who got paint out of ours. Let me know if you want/need his number!)
Now it's my time to catch up with you. It seems that when the Holiday Season makes life busier it gets much busier and full of challenges. I had a friend who got into red paint a few weeks before Christmas and had little hand prints on a wall, she was quite upset about it and lost her cool at the time. A few days later her son was hit by a car and died a short time after. Those hand prints became a treasure to her! One day you will look back and laugh at all of this, trust me they grow up way to fast. And things break all of the time, they are things. And when your kids say delightful things it is quite enlightening to say the least! Hope things calm down for you a little bit and you have a great Holiday Season.
Oh my gosh Wendy it never ends! One day you will look back at this and hopefully laugh. Whenever I am having a hard time with Hatch I think of my MIL with 8 BOYS!!! How did she do it I'll never know. Just tell those naughty boys if they are much naughtier before christmas Santa wont come.
Wow! You are really having a growing experience, aren't you? I am so sorry! Let me know if I can help.
I'm sorry - what a rough go of you are having. Hopefully things will start to cool down before long!
Wow! You must be exhausted. I am sorry. Life is never boring is it? Hang in there...they do grow up way to fast!
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