Life With the Boys!

Life With the Boys!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Are we done yet? Not quite...almost!

Ammon...not the culprit this time!
We added the arch and extended the wall to fit another pantry cabinet and make a hallway to put the tile.

Almost done... We are just waiting on the kitchen cabinet to be finished and installed then we will be done. Oh and a few paint touch ups, but other than that...yeah no more construction! (knock on wood!) Now I have to clean and organize the rest of my house. It is in real bad shape... wish me luck! I have until Saturday for Carson's Birthday party.


Jessica said...

Wendy, this looks amazing. I LOVE the tile. I can't believe how quickly it has all come together. It would have taken months to do at our house. Congrats on getting your kitchen and back hallway finished (mostly) and more important, getting the use of them back. It looks great.

Lauri said...

I love the tile Wendy, I have loved the arch that we put in our house from the minute it was put in. It's nice to have the proect over isn't it? I love the blonde hair, it's funny I hated mine dark and was going to get the blonde back next time but have decided that I like the brown afterall.