Life With the Boys!

Life With the Boys!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas Day

(Click on the pictures to see larger view)
It all started at 2:20am... first we hear 2 little footsteps going down the stairs, then a light turns on. A little rustling of wrapping paper, light turned off and up the stairs with so much excitement to wake up 2 of his brothers. Carter begins with "Santa came!" and you know what happened next. Three sets of little, excited feet down the stairs to check it out. We hear "wow, cool, this one is mine!" Then I had to get up and be the party crasher. "Boys back to bed it is not morning yet!" "Mom, Santa came!" So I in turn express my excitement and surprise and tell them to go to bed and we will see everything in the morning! So Carter and Carson try to go back to bed and Ammon climbs in bed with us. From that point on we really didn't get any sleep. Between Carter and Carson saying "mom I need to go downstairs and get a drink" to "Is it morning yet?" and them bouncing around from our bed to theirs. Carter just could not wait one more minute and he decided to wake up everyone at 5am. Boys! Go back to bed it is not morning time yet! Yeah right... so they played in Carter and Carson's room for a while then in Ammon's room. So we finally decided to just get up and go see what surprises Santa left us... He was so generous. I don't think he could help himself...
After we opened our presents, we played and played all day. We had a breakfast casserole in the morning then Jeff prepared a yummy Christmas dinner that we shared with grandpa Jerry. It was a fun, relaxing day for all...


"T" said...

That is almost excatly the same our Christmas moring went only I think they were all up at about 1:00a.m. but what can you do I remember doing the same to my parents when I was young! Glad to here that you guys had a great Christmas! Theresa

Drizzle said...

How cute! Although I'm sure it didn't feel so cute at 2 in the morning!