Life With the Boys!

Life With the Boys!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

FuN with ThE BeST boYs EVER!

So Last night I was finally able to gather the boys and go take their pictures. They did tell each other that they looked "Ridiculous" in their clothes... I thought that was funny because I always want them to match their clothes and wearing t-shirts on the outside made them laugh! I am so very sad because I have lost the file with the pictures of the last time I had all of them together for a shoot. So I am going to take EXTRA steps to make sure that doesn't happen again. I first saw these fields when they were lush green and have been wanting to get the kids and go snap a few shots, but as you can see in a short period of time it is now full blown wheat fields, still fun but very fragile and yellow wheat! The kids had a great time mostly because there were thousands of grasshoppers to catch and they found the dusty dirt road. It was mostly cloudy so the lighting wasn't great, but I think they are CuTe! Thanks boys for the practice I LOvE YoU!


phuff said...

Oh my sweet boys! They are good to hummor you with picture taking. They are growing up to fast :( You take really nice pics dear.

winston and jillyn egan said...

Oh my gosh seriously how cute are those??? Great job and you have some good lookin' kiddos to practice on:)