Life With the Boys!

Life With the Boys!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sooooo sad my baby is no longer in a crib:( 8 years of crib... gone in an instant!

So very weird to see nothing there. The crib was the first thing up in the house when we moved in. I can't believe it has been 8 years... hhhhmmmm. sad:(
Big boy bed...sigh...
Sooo happy for his new BIG boy bed(bitter sweet for mom!) Poor kid I didn't realize how many bruises, cuts and rashes are on his face:(mmm.... nigh, night! (about 15 times...)
boys will be boys!
That's our Carson!
Ammon not feeling well, asleep(let's hope for the whole night!)

Jeff decided to take down Nathan's crib tonight. I am just soooooooo sad. 8 years always a boy in the crib, can this be it? I am just sad. Gone in an instant, no more baby:( I can't rap my head around it.


winston and jillyn egan said...

Well you know what that means? Time for another? Whatever we'll see hu? I'm only beginning in cribs so I can't relate. Your trouble makers are sure cute though.

"T" said...

Oh so SAD! I know how you feel my baby just turned 6 and I can't believe how fast they grow. Now I have to just enjoy everybody elses babies!

Patti Smith said...

Wow, I can't even imagine! We have 2 cribs currently and I'm trying to come up with a larger crib for Clara. Cute boys!

Keena and Elin said...

I know how it feels to have your babies grow up too fast. My first baby is now 10 and I still can't believe it. It makes me sad, and I hate how fast time flys. All you can do is take in every moment.

Lauri said...

I told understand your pain yours is just a little more recent.