Life With the Boys!

Life With the Boys!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I just love the kids rides they are so fun!

This was such a LONG line to wait in...seriously painful, but the kids LOVED it!

whooo... hoo that was close!
The bumber cars were there favorite...again, again and again!


In August we went to Lagoon with Darin, Tina, Jessica, Elise and the Matua's Family. It was so fun. We camped overnight and bounced back the next day. oh Dusty! We only snapped a few pics, of course in the same kid rides as always! Nate just LOVES rides. He is always crying when it's time to get off. All the kids had such a fabulous time and the lines were not bad! This year Carter and Carson were tall enough to go on some BIG rides and they discovered, sometimes the hard way, that it was FUN! I finally convinced Carson to come on WICKED with me and we waited, waited and waited in line to get up to the front where it was our turn to go and he FREAKED out! I mean FREAKED out I tried to just hold him down and put the bar down and force him in, but he is just too big to do that now. He out powered me and we got off the ride and did the walk of shame! I was not proud of the mom I was at that moment, I was so MAD! I had not been on the ride and this was the longest line we waited in for over an hour. I am not proud of that moment. I have to say at the END of the day he wanted to try it again. I warned him he could not chicken out this time or ELSE! He did it and he LOVED it! That was his favorite ride and he wanted to go again but the park was closed! Next year we will get Carter to go! He is a little more scared and I think he gets motion sickness, poor kid! He was able to go on the Jet Star2 and he LOVED that ride. We also went on the Bat, Title Wave(Nate even went), White Roller Coaster, Colossus, Screamer, River Boat, etc... We did a lot. We also went to Lagoon-a-beach but it was so cold that we didn't last long there. Over all FABULOUS time!

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