Life With the Boys!

Life With the Boys!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Remodel almost done...yeah the end is in sight... I think!

Thanks to our awesome son, Nathan we had a little project on our hands. Nate decided it would be fun to plug the bathroom sink and leave the water running so he could play. I came downstairs with the kids church clothes to get them ready and found water running out of the bathroom door into the kitchen. So needless to say we decided just to take out the hardwood and lay down tile. Since we were doing that, lets just add a wall and extend our kitchen cabinets and paint and get a new counter top and sink in the bathroom with an overflow in it. Oh and lets just add refinishing the hardwood floor to that list, since our little "angels" decided to paint it! We are getting close to being done... Jeff has worked soooo hard and long hours to get this done and I think it looks great. I still need to re-paint the bathroom wains coating and the cabinet. Then the sink is going to be installed this coming week. Then the baseboards can be put back in and some more shelving for shoes. Then I can paint some more and when ever the cabinet is done for the kitchen, it just needs to be installed. YEAH!


Megan and Jon said...

Those busy boys, I might need to borrow one for a few days I would love a remodel.

Drizzle said...

It looks beautiful! It's kind of too bad that you had to remodel your brand new house though.

winston and jillyn egan said...

That looks sooo good! What a talented hubby you have.

Tim and Vicky Porter said...

That looks awesome! Hopefully the boys are done remodeling so you can be too. :)

Patti Smith said...

That's a lot of work, but it looks good! I bet it will feel good when it is complete!!!

Anonymous said...

Ohmigosh! Your house looks great! I love it. Your hair looks good too! I am looking forward to Thursday. It will be SO NICE to get out! See ya then! Keep the posts coming, I love to read them!