Life With the Boys!

Life With the Boys!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Nathan Nap Time

I just have to post this I know I shouldn't laugh but what else are you going to do...

Nathan has been a little pill trying to get him to take his naps now that he can climb right out of his crib no matter what. So in the process of trying to put him down for a nap, going on about 45 minutes now, he gets out again and comes down stairs.

I say, "Nathan go to BED!"

He in turn says(screaming), "NO, DAMN IT!"

what the... and who taught him that! (ok I think I did.) What you don't realize until your 2 year old says it.


Tim and Vicky Porter said...

That it funny... I can't picture cute little Nana saying that. :) Oh Motherhood...

Jessica said...

BA HA HA HA. I really shouldn't laugh, but I can't not find it funny!