Life With the Boys!

Life With the Boys!

Monday, November 24, 2008


Picture(provided by Stacey. Thanks~!)

Thanks to my friend Kelly a bunch of us were able to go to the midnight showing of Twilight on Thursday, Nov. 20th. THANK YOU KELLY great bag it! The other half of the group were in the theater already so they are not in the pic. Yep I said midnight. So by the time I dropped everyone off and was done talking it was 4:30am. Poor Julie did not even go to bed, she did some things at the house then went to work at the deli. I have to say I got an 1 and 1/2 before I had to get up with the kids. Then Jeff came home after work and let me take a nap before he surprised me with a date. It was a fun night, started off with shakes from JCW's... yeah baby(as Ammon and Nate would say!) Then we went to the theater and Edward, Jacob and Rosalie were there so thanks to Stacey we got a picture with them. No they are not the real actors in the movie, but they were hired by someone to be there. Then we waited for the movie... Crazy women! It was so much fun. The movie I have to say was a little disappointing, but how can you fit everything in and have the perfect actor for each role. Edward grew on me, but it is not my Edward!


winston and jillyn egan said...

Agreed! Not my Edward either. But it was really fun. I can't believe you guys talked for 2 more hrs. after. Crazy women!

winston and jillyn egan said...

Oh ya and thank you for inviting me! I am so glad I didn't have to wait another minute to see it!

Patti Smith said...

I went with a group for the first showing Friday day. I enjoyed the movie, but have to agree with you that Edward "grew" on me.

Drizzle said...

Not my Edward either. I started reading the book again, just to get over the disappointment of the movie, and was surprised to remember what a joker Edward was in the book. He was always laughing, and being funny! I think he smiled in the movie 2-3 times.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I HAD A BLAST! Not too impressed with the movie, but it was so much fun to go. Thanks for the invite! I loved it!