Life With the Boys!

Life With the Boys!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ammon 1st day of Pre-school


winston and jillyn egan said...

Oh my goodness you have some time with just one boy now. How wierd is that? That means it's time for another hu?

Jessica said...

Oh, I hope not! You need time for yourself too! Congrats to Ammon. I hope it was fun for him!

Wendy Evans said...

I think I will enjoy having just one for awhile. It is kind of fun. Nate really wants my attention and he is so happy to have everything to himself. 2 hours just goes by so fast. Ammon loves school!

Anonymous said...

So fun! Thanks for dinner the other night and for everything! You are suh a busy gal and still always thinking of everyone else, but yourself! THANKS SO MUCH! You are a great friend!

Megan and Jon said...

Girl look at your scrapblogging. Our husbands are never going to let us get together again if we teach each other bad habits... I won't tell... hehe.
I still need to send you pics of the boys don't I.
Ammon seems so tiny to be schooling. They are such good boys I meant to talk to you about that camping they are so well behaved.