Life With the Boys!

Life With the Boys!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Elliot... Celebrate the little things.

My friend Jessica posted this on her blog yesterday and I have watched it 3 times and the Oprah show that this was on a couple of days ago. I just cry every time I watch it. I wasn't going to post this, because Jessica has but I keep thinking about his story and his parents ability to just love, live and take care of their precious son and to celebrate his life and little triumphs. I have felt the need to make my children and husband my priority and this is a great reminder to cherish every second of the day, not to worry so much about other things that are truly not as important. Thanks again for sharing this wonderful story...

1 comment:

winston and jillyn egan said...

Thanks a lot Hatch is staring at me wondering if he did something wrong. That reminds me of this little boy named Charlie Cooper. If you have time check out his blog. It's but I'm warning you, you will cry. You might have to go back a few posts and read to understand what's happened. Anyway...ahhhh!