Life With the Boys!

Life With the Boys!

Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of School

Carson and Carter: their funny pose!
Carson and Carter
Carter and Carson walking into their new school
Carter at his desk in Mrs. Jones class
Carter waiting to line up to go to class
Carson waiting to line up to go to class
Carson in line to go inside
Carson in his classroom
Carson at his desk in Mrs. Healey's class
The boys were so excited for their fist day of school at Hidden Hollow. This is a new school that is still being finished and is two stories tall and closer to our house. The boys can't wait to ride their bikes to school. I can't believe how fast Carson got up, out of bed and dressed this morning. He is sooooo excited. He was the first one ready this morning, if you know Carson this is usually not the case. I hope that they have a great year and continue to love school. I am just so sad that summer is over!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

YEAH! The new school looks so nice! I hope they enjoyed their first few days!