Life With the Boys!

Life With the Boys!

Monday, August 25, 2008

A trip to the ER

Can you guess why we ended up at the hospital today?
Waiting to go into the ER
Waiting and watching the fish
Waiting for the Dr.
"Where did the money go?"
Just wanted a sucker!

So I was going to try to have a semi-relaxing day since last week was total mayhem and so will this week be. We have a lot of schedules and things this week as well. So I was in the office working and Ammon came in and I noticed he had something in his mouth. "What do you have in your mouth?", as I squeezed his cheeks together. Two coins fell out a penny and a dime. Then he had this look on his face that was not good. I said, "did you swallow something?" And he just started chocking. OK VERY SCARY!! I patted him on the back and kept trying to get it out, down, something. Well he finally started to breath again and he said, "it hurts, mommy." So I called the Dr. and of course they say to go directly to ER to get x-rays and they may need to fish it out. So we headed off to the hospital and called Jeff on the way. He left work and met us there. Ammon kept saying his tummy hurt, it was from the coin going into the stomach. The Dr. said that was the smallest opening and it probably hurt. Thank goodness that it made it to the stomach if not they were going to send us to Primary Children's for surgery. How many times do we tell them not to put money or anything in their mouths.... I hope lesson learned. He is ok for now, I just have the awesome job of checking you know what for 3 days. Lovely!!! And there goes the rest of my week. I am truly so happy that he is ok and we are very blessed. It was scary there for a while. I think it was also my wake up call to pay closer attention to the kids. What fun times we have here at the Evans household.


Jessica said...

Oh my gosh Wendy. I can't believe it. There is never a lack of action at your house is there? I hope he is feeling better and I am sorry you have to try to recover the money again now! I think as our kids start to get a little older we get more relaxed than we should be. I know I do and that is when I end up with messes and what not. Thanks for the reminder. Glad he is okay.

Lauri said...

Yeah I am glad he is ok! We had to do that with Natalie and it was pretty gross, but everythings turned out ok.

Wendy Evans said...

I am sure that I will look back and laugh, but today was the first search and oh my gosh... I bearly made it through.

winston and jillyn egan said...

Holy crap Wendy...this would only happen to you!!! Well not only you but it seems with your crazy boys something is happening all the time! Your a good mom and your outfit is so cute! Love your hat!