Life With the Boys!

Life With the Boys!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What are my kids thinking...

Ammon and Carson gearing up to fight...Carter I think the outfit is a little to small...
Carter and Ammon
Oh... my cute little house on the prairie boy
Wouldn't he just be a cute little girl with a bonnet?
watch out it's Carson!
Nice... Carson!
You want a piece of me?
so wicked, dude!

So I came downstairs to find this... I was putting Nate down for his nap and apparently the kids
thought it would be a great idea to use his diapers as costumes. I have to say at least they are creative. I was able to salvage most of them, seeing how diapers do cost some money....


winston and jillyn egan said...

Who knew diapers would be so much fun?!?!

Lauri said...

Creative guys, the keep you busy don't they Wendy. Enjoy it though they won't stay little for long! You're doing so great with your blog, staying on top of things. I finally got to play tag with everything going on and my camera broken it took me awhile, I'm sorry.

Jessica said...

so funny. Your kids crack me up! They also make me tired just thinking about all the stuff they do sometimes. I don't know how you stay up all night long and keep up with them. Pretty remarkable.

Wendy Evans said...

They are fun... I don't know if I am doing it? I am trying and I am trying to cherrish them as much as possible.

For example today I am just supper busy trying to get stuff for Bunco at my house and the trailer loaded for camping, we are leaving tonight after bunco. Well my little Ammon decided to find the moon sand while I was in the shower. Now mind you I have been cleaning like a mad lady and this stuff is nothing but a mess, so here I am taking a break and coping and he is in the kitchen having the time of his life. "It is what it is!"