Life With the Boys!

Life With the Boys!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Poor Carson, he is such a tough kid!

OK. So my day did not start as I had planned. First of all I am paying the price for going out last night to a late show with Julie and Jillyn to see Mama Mia! But it was so worth it. Then I came home and started cleaning until 4:30 am. I am so tired tonight. Anyway the day started off by me half asleep still getting breakfast and baba's for everyone. Then a little while later I hear Carson crying outside in the back yard. So I open the door to see what is going on and he is hopping on one foot crying up the stairs. I asked, "what happened?" He was crying so hard I didn't understand. Anyway I took him to the couch and set him down and looked at his leg. There was a circle, kind of, black and blue that looked like a bruise and then red all around it and spreading up his leg toward his knee. It was hot and swollen. "What in the world happened?" Carson proceeds to say, "something stabbed me in the back yard." "What, where?" "I don't know". So I got an icepack. Said "Where were you?" "On the grass by the trailer." So I ran outside as fast as I could, something just told me to go out and see. I get to the grass and asked Carter where he was. Carter pointed and I looked down and there was a huge brown and black spider in the grass. HUGE! I said, "hurry get me a cup, hurry." Carter , after containing Nate for me, ran and got a cup. I scooped it up and put a towel over it. I ran inside tried to call the Dr. office and their phones are down. What now. So I called my neighbor, Amy Theobald(thank you) and talked with her. She told me to get him to an instacare. I gave him benedryl and Tylenol, because he was saying," it hurts really bad." Then I thought ok I am going to try Amy Sabey in the ward because her husband is a dr. in the dr. office I go to. So I called her and explained the situation and asked if he had a cell phone she can contact him on so we can just come to the office instead of instacare. She called me back and her husband, Aaron, was on his way home for lunch and he was almost home. So he just stopped by. Thank heavens for great neighbors and house calls. These were all miracles that I was so grateful to have today. He looked at Carson's leg and the benedryl was already working and he looked at the spider and thought it was not a poisonous one. So he should be ok. So I immediately called Spider Spray and they came out within a couple of hours. When the tech got here I gave him the spider and he asked if he could take it to the office to see what it was. Of course I agreed and he told me when they knew they would contact me. He said he thought it was a Hobo Spider and those are not good. So Carson layed around, tired from the benedryl and when it was time for Taekwondo he was doing great and the red was gone from his leg. So great. I sent him to his class and when I picked the boys up, Carson said, "Master Flora put something on my spider bite." Oh! So I went in to ask him what he put on. He said it was just, Camphor Oil? I didn't know what that is but apparently it's been around a long time. I explained to him what happened and so he went to his computer to look up the spider for me. Da, I didn't even think of that! It looks like to me it was a huge Wolf Spider. They do bite, but not poisonous as much as the Hobo spider. So I think we are in the clear. I just freaked! It was spreading so rapidly within a minute it was up his leg. The red is all gone and the bite has a white pussy pocket of venom, as Master Flora put it. So I will continue to put the camphor oil on it that Master Flora gave me, thank you, and watch him. Needless to say we are definitely spraying every six months. No more spiders! Thank you to all my angels that helped him and I today.


Jessica said...

Unreal! What a rotten day. I hope his leg is better.

winston and jillyn egan said...

Holy crap I can't wait to show Winn this...he will absolutely freak! Poor Carson. I hope he gets better soon!

Wendy Evans said...

Carson is doing so good. It was not a hobo spider, thank heavens. It was a wolf spider and they do bite and are poisonous, but not deadly like the hobo. He just had a very bad reaction to the venom and the benedryl and camphur oil took care of it. Yeah!